Wednesday, March 13, 2013


The other night we went swimming at local hotel where the kid's GiGi is staying currently.
The pool ended up being quite cold (I did not discover this by being in the water).  The kids went swimming a few weeks ago with Grandma and Grandpa at the pool and had a blast.  This time, however, since the water was a little colder, they only lasted in the pool for a short time.
Busy Bee tried the water a couple times, as she really wanted to go in.  But, in the end, she ended up snuggled next to grandma or sitting on the side with her feet in.
The kids cousins and dad came along too and I would have had a nice picture of everyone in the hot tub (where they spent more time), if the battery on my camera wouldn't have died.
After the pool excitement, they loved going back to GiGi's room and enjoying all the treats she always has for them.

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