Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tape and Cardboard

As the girls enjoyed playing house one afternoon, I put Little Man on a mission to build roads and a town with tape an cardboard (thanks for the idea from another friend).  He actually enjoyed building more than playing with it, but either way, it was a good indoor activity as we wait for warmer weather.
This particular afternoon I was quite busy in the kitchen preparing not only dinner, but also making some meals to put in the freezer.  My precious son almost brought me to tears (not trying to be naughty, but just by using his creativity without asking mom first).  All the children were playing so nicely that I got caught up in my work, that when I finally looked into the family room I saw Little Man and RED!!!!!!!  Yes, RED marker coloring the tape on the floor and cardboard.  As I felt tears coming to my eyes thinking "oh my, what has he done to our carpet" I tried to calmly say "Little Man, please put the marker down."  I didn't know if he had grabbed a pen, a permanent marker, a dry erase marker or a washable marker!  Praise the Lord, it was a washable marker and daddy had no problem getting it out of the carpet.  But, it certainly was one of those mom moments that takes your breath away.

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