Friday, June 20, 2014

Busy Bee

Busy Bee spent some time at both her Aunt's houses here in town - but she mainly stayed at Grandpa and Grandma's.  The first couple days while Grandma worked, she went over to Aunt Fell's.  You may had seen previously on the Blog how she loves Clifford at Aunt Fell's house.  So, she took Clifford for a walk.

She slept every night at Grandpa and Grandma's.  
So Grandma had her looking all beautiful in the mornings.

And then Grandma too her shopping.

She came home with new Minnie Mouse PJ's and
this new dress:

And Grandma took her out for
ice cream!

Busy Bee wasn't sure about us leaving,
but once she saw Grandma coming to pick her 
up, she couldn't wait to go.  She had a lot of fun
and had stories to tell us when we got home.
Thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa for
spending this time with our sweet little girl.

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