Monday, June 30, 2014

Dance Party

We were blessed to meet our new nephew (the kids new cousin), baby T from Nebraska over the weekend.  He is such an adorable little guy.  Little J loves babies, so he was enjoying examining his new cousin.

After pizza together, daddy put on some fun music and the children started showing off their moves.

This is Baby T's older sister, cousin L.  She was cracking us up with her dance moves.  
Of course, if you know her mom, I guess you wouldn't expect any thing less.

Busy Bee wasn't afraid to jump right in and dance.

All the children were having quite the fun time together.

More moves from Cousin L!

Big J showing his creativity with dancing:

For the longest while the children were dancing and the
adults were sitting and watching.  But, this Grandpa
couldn't take it any longer.  He joined the children showing off 
some funky Grandpa moves!

Once Grandma saw adults were allowed, 
she joined right in too!

It was a fun evening!

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