Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What were the Kids Up to? - Big J

Big J was blessed to stay at our friend's house here in town.  They have a son who is just a year younger than Big J - they are best friends.  They also have 4 and 1 year daughters.  Big J kept very busy and had a lot of fun.

He received special snuggles from their one year old.

He had picnic lunches.

He enjoyed a fun obstacle course in the backyard.

He enjoyed special treats. 

He met up with his little brother one morning
at a park.

And he enjoyed some hiking of his own.

Needless to say Big J had fun.  I think
he missed us - we missed him.  But he sure had
fun and made some wonderful memories!
Thank you friends for keeping our son and loving
him like one of yours.  

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