Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Trip Highlights

In case you didn't get a chance to view the past few blog post, 
I thought I would give a quick overview of the trip with the highlights.

White Water Rafting:

Cruising around and seeing the sights: 

And zip lining:

And now for the unseen photos here you go...

Yes, we are expecting!  We are excited - I am only six weeks along today,
so we have a ways to go.  This puts me due sometime in February.  

Back in  February (around our 10 Year Anniversary), I had started to 
make Nathan a video with pictures from the past 10 years.  Since it took
me longer than I thought to make the video, I saved it until the trip to show him. 
He had no idea, so I was able to surprise him with this news while on our trip
with the picture of Little J above at the end of the video.

All praise and glory to God for another blessing.  
We just can't thank HIM enough!

1 comment:

  1. such exciting news...glad you guys could enjoy such a fun trip. and what a great idea to split up the kiddos. we might need to follow your footsteps on our next trip as we celebrate 10 next year.
