Saturday, June 21, 2014

Little J

Little J stayed at Uncle and Aunt Fell's home!  Yes, they had the busy one year old!  Little J might have shook up the Fell home a little bit.  Let's just say, the Fell children don't normally get up until close to 7am and eat breakfast around 8am.  Little J had everyone going by 5:15am some mornings and was heading to his high chair for breakfast by 6am.  The Fell children are used to having hugs and snuggles from their mom without much competition - Little J did NOT like if any child was in Aunt Fell's lap.  The minute one of her children would crawl up, he would come over and start crying and trying to pull the child out. 
What can I say - He loves his Aunt Fell (and he likes having snuggles).

Little J helping his Aunt do her laundry
(all that laundry might have been nicely folded on the table
just moments before this picture was taken):

Going for a ride:

Playing at the park with Big Brother:

At the library:

Going for a ride in the wagon
(notice the Pepsi he is holding -
Grammie was on the walk with him)

Over visiting Grammie and Big Sister.

Little J did a wonderful job with the Fell's - despite
his early morning hours and need for constant snuggles.
He is a busy little guy, and we really appreciate his 
Aunt and Uncle and cousins for taking care
of him and keeping him safe and happy while
we were gone!

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