Thursday, June 12, 2014

Ten Year Anniversary Trip

My husband decided to take me on a 10 year anniversary trip.  Although our anniversary was back in February, we waited until Little J was over a year old before we planned the trip.  We went this past week to Gatlinburg, TN and visited the Great Smokey Mountains.  It was an absolutely wonderful trip - mainly because I was with my husband the whole time.  
But we also were blessed to do some really fun things!

The very first afternoon we went white water rafting.

The Lord blessed us in so many ways on this trip - 
in big ways (keeping us and our children safe) and in 
some small ways.  For example, you will notice above that 
we are the only two people on this raft (except for our guide).  
This is not normal - usually there are 8-10 people on each raft.  Besides that, 
there are normally several rafts on the river at the same time.  However,
we were the only raft in sight, in front and behind. It was so peaceful!
Thank you Lord for safety and fun while rafting!

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